Whether your mildly interested in dogs or a walking dog encyclopedia; you will love this online game! Even if you’re not really into playing games online – you will still love this game!
Dogshow.com is, as much as I hate to admit it, a totally addicting game! No worries though, you can play this game for free.
Joining is easy, and even if you don’t have a clue about the business of showing champion dogs, learning is effortless and part of the natural flow of this game.
Logging in for the first time you will see very easy to read and navigate menu options. The first thing you do is pick your breed and there are 163 to choose from. You raise them from puppy to dog-show-participant, and play through a virtual experience caring for your champion and trying to impress the often fickle judges. Your goal is to raise and breed nothing but champions!
This is definitely quality entertainment that you can be enjoying 30 seconds from now!